Complaints process


RITANZ is committed to upholding the standards and reputation of the industry and ensuring members meet the highest standards of professionalism and performance and as such takes all complaints of misconduct against our members seriously.

Misconduct of a member is clearly defined in the Rules of RITANZ as willfully refusing or neglecting to comply with the Rules of By-Laws or is guilty of any conduct which is unbecoming, or prejudicial to the interests, the good name or reputation of RITANZ.  The Rules of RITANZ can be downloaded under Resources.

Complaints against General Members can be sent to

Note that complaints against Licensed Insolvency Practitioners are dealt with by Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. RITANZ is not involved in the process.

Forms are also available under our Insolvency Help tab or you can go directly to the link for more detailed information as follows:

Complaints against LIP members

The following flow chart represents the complaints process:

RITANZ Complaints Process Flowchart

Decisions Register

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